Thursday, 3 December 2015

Google mock up ideas

This is my mock up of the front cover, as you can see I've used the fonts and colour from above. I also put it a dark background on it to make the colours stand out.

Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Pictures I took for my FC, DPS, CP


These 13 photo's are my favorites out of a possible 100. When I was taking my photo's I was making my model try on different cloths that I thought was an indie style. For example the open shirt with the ripped jeans. Or the denim jacket with ripped skinny jeans.
I also took photo's with my model holding the guitar and without the guitar (however my favorites are the ones with the guitar. I got him to hold the guitar in different ways, for example the guitar over the shoulder or him holding the guitar low.
When I was taking the pictures I decided to put a white sheet behind him however when I uploaded them it did not look professional so I decided to edit out the background, this made them look more professional.

The rest of the photos that I took. Also I will not be using the photos with reflections on the guitar. And on some of the photos I have tired to recreate some of the Ed Sheeran and on others I have I have tired and create some of my own original shots.

Friday, 27 November 2015

Ed Sheeran photos

Image result for ed sheeran

front cover examples

These are magazines that I can get ideas from, for example the simple bold title or that every magazine has some bit of black or white. I will be using different parts from different magazines.